#AcademicRunPlaylist - 9/5/24

A selfie of me in front of my book shelf, with a copy of People Analytics on the right and the Japanese edition on the left. I'm a bald, middle-aged, white man with a red beard flecked with white. I'm wearing a dark blue collared shirt and glasses with a metal top rim

I get to wrap up the day with a Ritsumeikan University event on the longevity economy, and earlier I was able to listen to some talks for my #AcademicRunPlaylist!

First was an incredible pair of talks at the #CVPR2024 workshop on responsible data by Sara Beery (benchmarking models in a changing world) and William Agnew (mapping the computer vision surveillance and weapons pipeline). These are both tremendous talks, interrogating the fundamental issues with classic computer science benchmarking orthodoxy and the increasing adoption of "neutral" computer vision technologies in decidedly non-neutral contexts, respectively. Highly recommend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPQ1pxOgurQ

Last was a fascinating talk by Irene Nandutu using road ecological data to develop wildlife-vehicle collision mitigation measures at Deep Learning Indaba. Not only are the methods presented here interesting, but the data work done here - with deep engagement with in-the-field organizations - is even more impressive (and arguably more important given the centrality of data in today's AI systems) https://www.youtube.com/live/9iRJnHiFIVo?si=MALT5URaSp0egw_x&t=512