#AcademicRunPlaylist - 1/20/25

A selfie of me pointing at my tan shirt, which has a stylized picture of Lina Khan that says Notorious FTC under it. I'm a bald, middle-aged white man with a red beard flecked with white wearing glasses with a metal top rim. Behind me are snow-covered pines lit by the noon sun.

While reflecting on the Commish's immense achievements and my concern as a Jewish American when Nazi salutes are suddenly okay at an inauguration event, I was also able to listen to some talks for my #AcademicRunPlaylist

First was a fascinating conversation with Yaxi Liu on the introduction of plastic to the Chinese market and how the political and cultural meanings of the technology evolved at the Hagley Museum and Library https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aR6PEyqGmU

Next was an intriguing talk by Daniel Apley on visualizing the effects of predictor variables in black box supervised learning models at the Royal Statistical Society https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PJCgtT-1EE

Last was an interesting talk by Max Steuer on the inherent values embedded in economic theory and policy and why specialist skills are necessary at the LSE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFFRUoEtaNI